Shibu Krishnan
By the direction of Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Kerala, the college also established an Entrepreneurship development club in January 2016 to inculcate the culture of enterprise among college students. The tremendous gap between job opportunities and man forces compelled to create and motivate them.

Vidhya Vishwanath
Understanding the significance of visual narratives in academics, documentaries, feature films and drama are used quiet frequently as supplementary learning tools in the class rooms. Hence, the club tries to build up an awareness of choosing informative visual narratives instead of running behind unnecessary stuffs.

Anusree V M
The information and Technology Club is formed in college to aim at producing talented students in the field of information technology. Understanding the current world wide situation and the needs of more versatile students in the arena of technology, the club conducts countless activities through which students can enrich their abilities.

Farsana A K
As the aphorism suggests literature is the mirror of life, Literary Club of the college aims at producing literary talents through continuous activities and practices throughout the academic years. Apart from having lot of discussions on contemporary issues, books debates, talks and group discussions, the club invites great personalities, who have been part of literary arena, to get more insights on the various literary forms and genres. It also encourages the students to participate in various literary and cultural events in and out of the campus.

Amrutha M C
Music club functions as a platform to find out musical talents among students of the college. By owning certain musical instruments, the club makes use of such facilities to train the talents. Besides, it conducts grand musical festivals as part of annual day and tries to rope with talented persons from outside that give an opportunity for students to interact with them.

Shimna V S
The activities of the nature club broadly intend to create awareness on surroundings and the larger eco system. Consequently, the club conducts various activities including classes, debates, and competitions in accordance to the special days and tries to implement these educative practices in the immediate living environment. Besides, the club also actively indulges in conducting sites visits and nature camps for students.

Angel Sebastian
A tourism club is being formed in college by understating the value of visiting places. It indulges in various activities including field visits, hiking, visiting important geographical places. The club is an epitome of using tourism in an informative manner.

Deepa N R
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