• Centre for Competitive Examination

Department Of Commerce

About Department

PG Department of Commerce of CM College established in 2010 with the aim of offering instruction in commerce, business and accounting related subjects. The different programmes offered by the department such as BCom(CA), BCom(finance) and MCom (finance) are designed in connection with the requirements of the industry and other commercial institutions. The dedicated staff of this department prepare students to pursue their higher studies and get employed in the highly competitive job market. The department conducts seminars and takes students on Industrial Visit. The UG courses BCom(CA) and BCom(Finance) are three year programmes which provides project work, computer practicals including Tally packages. The MCom(finance) is a two year programme specializing in finance which provides also project work and computer practicals including audit courses. The department also conducts different types of programmes like business quiz competition, commerce fest, business games etc.

Faculty Profile

Shibu Krishnan

Assistant Professor and Head Of the Department (CA)

Kiran P. C

Assistant Professor and Head Of the Department (FINANCE)

Shimna V. S

Assistant Professor – PG Department of Commerce

Bindu S. G

Assistant Professor – PG Department of Commerce

Suhailath M. P

Assistant Professor – PG Department of Commerce


Assistant Professor – PG Department of Commerce

Aysha K. P

Assistant professor – PG Department of Commerce

Programs Offered

  • B.COM CA

Student Achievement


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